Thursday, July 19, 2012

Figure Drawing

I keep saying I'm gonna post figure drawing stuff on here so I finally am now! These are studies for a new sculpture of a male figure. I figured this would be a good series to start these posts with since I just did them earlier tonight. Once I take photos of some drawings done in the last few months, I'll be posting those up shortly too which will feature a lot of my gesture drawings and some quick lighting studies as well.



Sunday, July 15, 2012

Good Times

Last night we had the opening of our show "REDEFINITION" which was opening along side another amazing show titled "Loosely Arranged" (featuring artists Adam Rex, Max Canon, Michael Nolan, and Dave Christiana). This was my first time showing in a gallery and I am really grateful for the experience. It was nice to get some outside attention on our work and we had a hell of a time transforming the gallery space. Received quite a few compliments about my piece. One of the best moments was seeing someone I didn't even know take a picture of it. Really glad it appealed to a lot of those that saw it and the whole show in general. I love working with talented people and putting each of our own ingredients into the gumbo pot and ending up with something truly amazing. I hope to do this kind of thing again in the future. I'll post some pictures from the opening once I obtain them but here's what my contribution to the show was. This was still a work in progress when I took this picture, I'll update this post once I get the photos.


Also I got the show's poster signed by everyone, granted two of the artists are my instructors so it was easy to get them.  As well as a nice little doodle from Adam Rex in my copy of his book "Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich".